4. März 2014

A Troll's Fairy Tale

Will Acacia be able to break out of her shell and find her true love? A fairy tale love story for a troll is a very strange thing indeed, because who could ever truly love a troll?

This is a sweet and totally cute story and i really like the Main Chara. She's stubborn, fierce and tends to solve her problems with violence (aka, she punches the people who try to mess with her XD). But she has a very soft side too, she dreams of a fairy tale love and her prince charming. In short, she's a perfect example of a tsundere ^-^ Being that way, her mother worries a lot about her since she's over the marriageable age, and thus urges her to find a husband at the annual Arbutus Festival. And here begins the game.
There are only three times in the game where you can decide what to do next, so the walkthrough is very short ;)
Two guys to obtain, Damine and Edavine. I think it would be better to start with Damine, that way you'll understand the story better, especially the relations and backgrounds of the characters.

There's no time for that, just ignore her
Go ahead & stay
The spot by the pond

Grab something
Get up and leave
The spot by the pond

My opinion:
Graphics: 8/10
Story: 7.5/10
Characters: 8/10
Overall: 8/10 

Mac Version
Windows Version
Linux Version

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