25. März 2011

Loving your 'Home'Country

Whenever somebody says, "I'm a Tyrolean/Spanish/etc" i wonder, who am I? I love Tyrol, the mountains, the green scenery, the nature in general, the cities, the social security, the tranquility, etc etc . But i hate the way the Austrians behave. They dont say what they really think about you, they only bitch around from behind. They are lacking passion and fieriness, and are on the whole....like cold ice. If they like you, or if they hate you...You only get to know if you torture them to say it directly to you. Well, more or less.
On the other hand,spanish people do whatever they do with all their heart. If they love or hate you, be sure, you'll definitely notice! Their love is something i really miss. Especially the love of my family. They would do everything to protect me, or someone of our family! But if they hate you, they make sure you'll curse the day you met them. And the situation in Spain at the moment isnt very good. You're lucky if you have a job. And if not...poor you. That's one of the reasons why you get robbed nearly everywhere.

I love both Countries, i think my spanish temper and my austrian calmness can sometimes really coexist. But everytime somebody asks me from which country i am, i dont know what to answer..

24. März 2011

Different Point of View

Ever wondered how animals see our world? For example my cat. The only thing he seems to care about is eating (a loot), sleeping (22/day) and looking dumb through big beautiful eyes XD But every now and then he suddenly looks up and stares intently at the wall/etc. I never get to see what draws his interest. Sometimes i wonder if he can see spirits. Or just extremely small spiders ^^

 And when he's awake, my little boy can be very cute =^.^=

23. März 2011


What's Family? If you have luck, your blood relatives. But what if they arent people who care about you like a family should?
There are many people out there. If you look closely and stay the way you want to be, you'll find some who will be your friends. Your best friends. Your true family.

I wish you luck to find them. And dont despair, for every single person there is a true family out there!


I am impressed of the changes a person can go through. Remember Miyavi, young, crazy and seemingly insane? XD

Well, he turned into a more adultlike singer, doting father and husband. Though he still seems to be miyavi-crazy ^.^

He still is my hero, my model! He changed so many times, but he never changed how he is. He will always be an energetic, outgoing, openminded crazy little boy who has a biiig heart.
Love you Miyavi!!!!

22. März 2011

Welcome home Spring!

Winter is a nice season, you can play in the snow, drink hot wine punch and celebrate christmas. But Spring is a different kind of pretty season. Colours are sprouting where some days ago there only was grey and pale scenery. And since i really LOVE colourful things... i'm pretty happy right now ^.^