11. Mai 2015

Catching up

Originally i wanted to wait till the 10th season finale from supernatural, to watch all the episodes. Did not work.
My friend started to watch them and commented about it veeery frequently on WhatsApp. This friend of mine could be a professional commentator, no matter for what. She's hilarious! It piqued my interest, so i started watching too. I'm on episode S10E18 now .

6. Mai 2015

Look at me, adulting like an adult

The days that i feel fine are very scarce. That makes them all the more special to me. Like today. Nothing unusual, a visit to the authorities, a trip to look for something my brother wanted, i did my weekly shopping, cleaned my apartment a bit and even did the laundry! XD

These are the times i feel like an adult. Which is funny, because i know that tomorrow at the latest i'll be playing games all day again and doing hardly anything useful *lol* 
But i love these adult-days. They mean that even if i progress more slowly than a snail, i still DO progress. I'm way more adult-like than i was a few years ago. Even if i still have trouble making important phone calls or making visits to the authorities, at least i do them now. 

I have to remember those useful days. Because when i'm down again (which is 80% of my time), i only see all my failures. But i can do more than fail, i am capable of doing much more! So i enjoy days like today to the fullest ^-^