12. Juni 2011


Whats a father? The man who contributed in making you? A person you can rely on and who supports you?

For me, its the same as with the term 'family'. I dont like and even hate some of my so-called family (= blood relatived family) so i chose to define Family, as well as father, otherwise.

I remember my childhood being very happy, colourful and lively ^^ It was a really beautiful time where we all were together and had fun and my brother and i were safe from everything bad.
Today, my dad is another father. He doesnt know me, doesnt even care. Not because he doesnt like me. No, not at all. He only cares for himself much, much, MUCH more. When i tell him i'm ill, he says he's worse. And he complains how he has to deal with all this, his illness, and mine. Funny, because he hardly sees me. Everytime i talk with him, i try to be neutral and not angry at him. But all he ever talks about is how life sucks for him, how everyone is against him, and if i dare to ask him for help, i'm one of the people who doesnt let him live in peace. If i tell him, i would like to see him more often, he tells me that he gets nearly bullied at work and doesnt have time for me. And when i wait for him to call me, he says i never talk to him and that he's such a poor father because of his daugther that neglects him.

So for everyone out there, who has a father, that yells sometimes at you, because he's worried about you, who asks you what you do and where you were eeetc...Enjoy it!! Your dad CARES about you! That's something not everyone has

Happy Fathersday to all of you who deserve to be called Dad

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