29. November 2011

The Human - A machine made out of flesh and blood

One week ago i had a surgery done to remove my thyroid. Immediately after i felt normal again, was cheerful and i thought nothing had changed. My family was really worried about possible negative effects. So i was relieved that everything went back to normal. Until some days ago, when i was watching Tv with my friends and burst into laughter. I didnt do that since....aaages ago. I laugh, i laugh heartily, but i raaarely burst into laughter to the point where i cannot stop and suddenly everything seems funny to me. And it happened more times!
I am laughing more now, enjoying everything. I smile at people with all my heart and like being out with my friends again w/o the urge to flee from the people around me i dont know. Well, that reflex is still there, but far less than before. Today i even went shopping (for Christmas ^.^) and it was really....nice :)
So i'm thinking now that maybe a little part of my problems came from my thyroid who wanted to get in my way. That's what comes of it *byebye* *harhar* But it is kind of creepy how we function and how every tiny bit of our human machinebody can influence our mood. Did you ever wonder why you are in a bad mood sometimes? Maybe its not that you're not happy. Maybe its just some organ or the like that marches to a different tune? Controlled by a 'foreign' power . . . . Oo    Why do i get the urge to watch Matrix again . . . *lol*

Btw: I saw so many cheesy and cute christmas things while shopping and i was in the mood to stop and contemplate or examine them. I found a so damn cute little 'Tv'. It was an old model and instead of an onscreen there was a miniature of a winterly village with people iceskating and such. Similar to this
My tip, go shopping now! But not if you are stressed or buying gifts. Go to look at all the little sweet things that only come out before christmas *g*
Next time i see something like that i'll have my camera with me ^-^

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