7. Februar 2015

Sailor Moon Crystal - Episode 10

I'm catching up on SMC and watched the tenth episode just now.
I LOVE this episode! Although the sailor senshi still aren't very individualistic and are still only portrayed as a team/unit (if they follow the manga that should change soon), they at least kicked ass a bit this time. Aka, they didn't just stand there (although they did afterwards...but well...). But i LOVE how Sailor Moon is so much tougher in the remake. She whines, she cries a lot, yes, but she stands up again and fights! She doesn't wait for someone to yell at her to take action as she did in the 90s anime. She is really cool, strong and has a lot of willpower. That's what i loved about the manga. She wasn't the crybaby the 90s anime made of her. She was a little girl with weaknesses, yes, but she overcame them on a regular basis and kicked ass by believing in her friends and in love (ok the last bit is a bit cheesy, but who cares XD).
Yay Sailor Moon Crystal!

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