Christina was the third princess of Almenan, and born in the era of war against the Demons. Having the status of a “Champion”, Christina had countless battle victories upon her shoulders and was feared by the Demon race.Being the most successful of her three sisters, her mother the queen sent her on a secret mission to assassinate the Demon Lord Gardis in return for his ruthless annihilation of the Kingdom of Crofts.Obeying her mother’s orders for the sake of her kingdom, Christina set out alongside with her most loyal knight Lezette to take the Demon Lord’s head, and to bring peace to the land.
Spoilers ahead!
No matter which route, the first time you try and get your loved one or/and restore peace, you fail. But since you have the power (?) to open a gap between time and space you return to the first day of your stay at the Demon Lord’s castle. And this is where you start making decisions like, where to go, what to buy, with whom do i want to go out etc. (First round you hardly get choices to make, so don’t be surprised).
Gardis is the only one where you/Christina really fall in love in a (rather) normal way. Ok, you try to assasinate him and have to stay in his palace afterwards to ‘entertain’ him while he constantly hits on you, but hey, considering all the love stories i got to see so far in Otome Games this is really lovey-dovey. You get to know each other and the others qualities etc. And i like such types, the players who just toy with you but after a while honestly fall in love with you. They turn out to be big cuddly teddy bears >.< And apart from that he’s hot! *hehe*
With Lezette it’s more like, i’m friends with him since so long but suddenly *ding*, oh hey, i’m in love with him. I admit, the saying you don’t realize what you have until it’is gone (like in his case) is often true. But i don’t know, it didn’t convince me. Apart from that, Lezette is a nice route. He’s the obedient type and normally i can’t stand those guys but since i got to know the WORST submissive/obediently/passive/overprotective character i think has ever existed in Otome Games (i’ll tell about him in a later post…), Lezette is totally straigthforward XD At least he speaks up sometime in the story and says what’s on his mind! Good boy, Lezette

Jin is…..well. I don’t know where to begin. In the other two routes you get to know him as a loyal and calm person. But as soon as you play his route you learn this is sooo not his real character. When Christina starts her second reproduction she gets drunk while being in Jin’s room with him. And since, like he points out, it IS hot in there, why not take off your clothes? Of course Jin takes his chance and has sex with you. I don’t know if you’re awake but totally drunk or already passed out by then. And so starts your relationship with him. He has sex with you when he’s in the mood, mostly in a sadomaso way. And you are totally ok with that…. -.-
All in all i like Gardis the most (and his route has the most CGs). Lezette is second place and has a special place in my heart because he could be like all those totally-passive Charactertypes but isn’t. And Jin…yeah well, his CGs are quite hot

Give it a try ^-^
General Info for all three paths: get these items in the 2nd Round
Four-Coloured Stone
The Amazing Viagra Power
Holy Water
Tears of Sun God
Tears of Moon Goddess
Demon Killer
“Silver Hair Ornament”.
The Four-Coloured Stone can be obtained by helping out at the theater, the rest can be bought at the grocercy store.
The Four-Coloured Stone can be obtained by helping out at the theater, the rest can be bought at the grocercy store.
My opinion:
Graphics: 10/10
Story: 10/10
Characters: 10/10
Overall: 10/10
Download English Patch
Walkthrough Gardis
Walkthrough Lezette
Walkthrough Jin
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