10. August 2015

Pure Chaos!

I moved into a new apartment!
It's bigger and cheaper and waay better than the old one, wuhu!
But i can't find half of my things now....and my PC still doesn't have an internet connection (or a connection to electricity...) . All i have is my laptop, meaning, i can't play all my games *snif*
I think it'll take a while till i post again about Visual Novels......^.^°

11. Mai 2015

Catching up

Originally i wanted to wait till the 10th season finale from supernatural, to watch all the episodes. Did not work.
My friend started to watch them and commented about it veeery frequently on WhatsApp. This friend of mine could be a professional commentator, no matter for what. She's hilarious! It piqued my interest, so i started watching too. I'm on episode S10E18 now .

6. Mai 2015

Look at me, adulting like an adult

The days that i feel fine are very scarce. That makes them all the more special to me. Like today. Nothing unusual, a visit to the authorities, a trip to look for something my brother wanted, i did my weekly shopping, cleaned my apartment a bit and even did the laundry! XD

These are the times i feel like an adult. Which is funny, because i know that tomorrow at the latest i'll be playing games all day again and doing hardly anything useful *lol* 
But i love these adult-days. They mean that even if i progress more slowly than a snail, i still DO progress. I'm way more adult-like than i was a few years ago. Even if i still have trouble making important phone calls or making visits to the authorities, at least i do them now. 

I have to remember those useful days. Because when i'm down again (which is 80% of my time), i only see all my failures. But i can do more than fail, i am capable of doing much more! So i enjoy days like today to the fullest ^-^

10. April 2015

The four Musketeers

My spanish aunt and granny are on a visit in Tyrol again ^-^

Backstage Pass

The glamor and glitz of showbiz hold little appeal for Sian. As the daughter of a professional makeup artist, she knows how stressful and uncertain work can be, and she aspires to something more stable. When a sudden accident topples her plans for a smooth college life, she realizes she must put her own makeup skills to use if she wants to make it through the year. The entertainment world may be wild and unpredictable, but Sian's about to learn there's also a lot to love.

17. Februar 2015

First World Problems - Too many games to play

Even though i don't seem to be a "typical" gamer, i seem to have one of their problems.
I bought five games on steam (two visual novels, one jrpg, two final fantasys), i still have to finish persona 4 which i borrowed from a friend + dragon age origins (bought that last year) and am playing Dragon Quest IX right now.
Don't know how i always get into these situations X.x I love all these games (minus the jrpg, that's a kinda strange one), but i'm too curious to first finish a game, noooo, i want to "try the others out" too. So i start to play them all at the same time.....
Buff.....well i'm off to try to finish one of the games XD

16. Februar 2015

Backstage Pass - First Impression

It's still on early access, but i bought it since i couldn't wait any longer. I have zero patience X.x
I won't say much about the game right now, i'll get to that later.

Just this, i played Adam's route as the first one and i got a really nice ending XD
I really love the intro song (can't get it out of my head now >.<) the art and the characters, all in all i think it's a very good game. Only minus atm, i feel like there was a bit too little overall story. But that can just be my imagination. I'll find out in the next path, up next is Benito. Yeees....i know he's 15 and the MC is 18.....but he's so funny and kinda cool. Oh boy, what have visual novels turned me into? XD

Anyway, have a good night ^-^

15. Februar 2015

Don't see you often, but i still love you

Most of my friends i don't see very often. But even so, even if we don't talk (via social media etc), i still know that they would be there for me if i needed them and vice versa. Although i would like to see them more. It's always great to get together with them, talking about things we like without hardly breathing in between, agreeing on things we never thought we would find another person to agree with, talking nonsense to embarras each other etc etc eeetc. Recently i made a new friend and she fits our group perfectly XD She's as crazy and strange as we are :D
I wish we could go to a concert together, dressed hilariously like we used to, and having an adventure on our way to and from the concert. I LOVED these times, and we still like to mentally revisit these adventures. We had our Gothic Lolita Dresses and our "metal" outfits, we talked about JMusic for Hours and liked to imagine what we would do if we ever got to journey to Japan. Those were the good old days ^-^
Friends are the greatest gift one can get

7. Februar 2015

Sailor Moon Crystal - Episode 10

I'm catching up on SMC and watched the tenth episode just now.
I LOVE this episode! Although the sailor senshi still aren't very individualistic and are still only portrayed as a team/unit (if they follow the manga that should change soon), they at least kicked ass a bit this time. Aka, they didn't just stand there (although they did afterwards...but well...). But i LOVE how Sailor Moon is so much tougher in the remake. She whines, she cries a lot, yes, but she stands up again and fights! She doesn't wait for someone to yell at her to take action as she did in the 90s anime. She is really cool, strong and has a lot of willpower. That's what i loved about the manga. She wasn't the crybaby the 90s anime made of her. She was a little girl with weaknesses, yes, but she overcame them on a regular basis and kicked ass by believing in her friends and in love (ok the last bit is a bit cheesy, but who cares XD).
Yay Sailor Moon Crystal!

9. Januar 2015


Since i was sick and i had tons of time (i should have studied, but oh well..) i played Nicole. 
Nicole is thrilled that she managed to get into her first choice school and is looking forward to experiencing college life there. However, as soon as she moves into the university dorms, she finds out that there’s been a series of mysterious disappearances going on around the campus!