The days that i feel fine are very scarce. That makes them all the more special to me. Like today. Nothing unusual, a visit to the authorities, a trip to look for something my brother wanted, i did my weekly shopping, cleaned my apartment a bit and even did the laundry! XD
These are the times i feel like an adult. Which is funny, because i know that tomorrow at the latest i'll be playing games all day again and doing hardly anything useful *lol*
But i love these adult-days. They mean that even if i progress more slowly than a snail, i still DO progress. I'm way more adult-like than i was a few years ago. Even if i still have trouble making important phone calls or making visits to the authorities, at least i do them now.
I have to remember those useful days. Because when i'm down again (which is 80% of my time), i only see all my failures. But i can do more than fail, i am capable of doing much more! So i enjoy days like today to the fullest ^-^