20. September 2011

New Band + new purpose

I'll start with the positive thing: Looking for a japanese ex-band-member i found a new Band ^-^
An Cafe was one of my favourite JBands. Their sound was just so ... "lets party! Be happy!" So i went to two concerts where i saw my favourite band member live: Kanon. Since then i couldnt forget this guy. He is kind of cute (although he's not super handsome, i saw the pics w/o makeup. but still cute ^.^) even in his shy way of talking and gesturing and he is funny. So after the band split up i wanted to know what he does now. He set up a new Band together with Kanon Wakeshima. And their Band Name is Kanon x Kanon *lol* So i listened to the few first songs (e.g. Calendula Requiem). I like it! And btw i listened to Wakeshimas Songs too, and i like them also! Yay me, found new good music sources XD I need more good music for my mp3 player, all the songs i have on it sounded out X.x

The thing which saddend me today was the case about Troy Davis. He is going to be executed for a murder he almost surely didnt do. He is said to have killed a police officer. I think that means that the authorities wanted a suspect as soon as possible and didnt do their investigations as thouroughly as they should have done it. And to fulfill the cliché, the suspect is black -.- Now he'll be killed although there are many facts who at least let you doubt that he did it:
  • Four witnesses admitted in court that they lied at trial when they implicated Troy Davis
  • Four witnesses implicated another man as the one who killed Officer MacPhail
  • Three original state witnesses described police coercion during questioning, including one man who was 16 years old at the time of the murder
In dubio pro reo means that if you are not sure that he commited this murder, you shouldnt kill him!! Despite that they rejected his plea for, well not to kill him already a few! times.
Why does anyone want to kill a man this bad? Just to be able to say, we got the bad guy? The dead victim now rests in peace? B***sh**. A dead person is DEAD. I dont think it matters to him what happens on earth, since he's longer around -.-

Ok, enough of that. As concluding words i want to add that i may have found what i want to be/work as in my life. Someone who tries to stop such people!


1 Kommentar:

  1. I LOVE that idea!
    Social Work might be just what fits you!
    Allthough you gotta be careful not to, .. well, ... CARE too much.
    Sometimes I think you are just too sensitive.
    Sensitive is super-awesome.
    It just makes you the more vulnerable and as a friend I flinch when I see you hurting.
    I hurt when you hurt, so build yourself an armor before you fling yourself in social work!
