19. September 2011


Playing with my family UNO today i realized...I like a noisy family life! My spanish part of the family is very loud, talks much and expresses her/hisself loud and clear *g* Compared to that the austrians are....well, quiet. They dont talk much about their feelings or what they think and when they come together in a reunion or something like that, all they speak about is who got married, who got kids, who got which job etc. At least the families i know are like that.
This kind of living together downright disgusts me. I think in a family you should be loud and say what you think and be crazy and stupid. For what else does a family exist if not for being as you are, sometimes even dumb or annoying? At the end of the day, your family will still be your family, so you dont have to fear that they'll leave you just for being stupid once. And they'll know that normally you are not like that. And when you have to be quiet even with your parents and siblings....i think i would go crazy. You just need someplace where you can go crazy protected.
And then there are families who arent quiet because they dont dare to talk about feelings etc, but rather because they dont care much. They are too concentrated on their own life or already grown so apart that they dont coexist as a unit and are more like a living community. I think thats a very sad situation because they actually like each other, in some kind of way.
Either way, family is important. And their level of noise too XD So i want to be a mother whose children can ask me anything (i wont answer EVERYthing, but they may ask *gg*), shout because something makes them angry or sad, and tell me what they REALLY think. It will be very exhausting and i'm sure i'll get nerve damage and premature tinnitus, but at least i'll know that my kids will live as the persons they want to be ^-^

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