22. September 2011

Sad news + new friend

Today, eeearly in the morning Troy Davis was executed after a 4hour delay. I still cannot believe it. Georgia executed a person although there were so many doubts, you could have filled the Grand Canyon with them! That means, they simply killed him. Just because they wanted to, or didnt want to lose their face, or...dont know what. But he may have died, his spirit did not and everyone who was touched by it will fight for the abolition of the death penalty!
No Human should be allowed to decide about another humans life or death! Thats a thing solely nature should do.
All this has strengthend my goal to become someone who can at least fight against this kind of unjust and inhuman things. I know we will lose many, maaanys times. But if from 100 times we try, one results in e.g. the aboliton of death penaltie in ONE country, it was worth it.
Many people told me that i was a naive girl, to believe that i could change the world. But they are wrong, i AM able of doing so. Because even the littlest things can change something. And so i am going to do piece by piece ^-^

Next topic for today: I "baby-sitted" for the first time! He is the 12year old son of a friend of my mum and he is a nice kid. It was interesting to be responsible for him. I constantly thought, did i say the right thing? Did i treat him right? etc. etc. etc. But in sum it was a nice evening. The only bad news is that he doesnt listen to me when i say he should go offline. Oh boy, he never wanted to let the laptop go! He wanted to show me things (..ok) and then he wanted to finish reading/watching something while i was waiting for him to come to eat. When he finally began eating, it was nearly cold -.- Well, at least i know what my weaknesses are. Now i'll have to train my voice and attitude to sound more convincing. Wish me luck! *rofl*

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